This post will go through installing Ruby on Rails 2.3.2 on MeeGo - though it should likely work for any version of Rails, including Rails 3 (though the actual Rails commands at the end of this guide will be a little different). Firstly go through the Installing Ruby and Rubygems on MeeGo guide to get at least Ruby 1.8.7 on your system and then carry out the following steps.


The above guide requires you to disable the core repository and then enable the devel and testing repositories. I found that when following the below steps, I would get an error trying to install sqlite3 gem itself - saying that the sqlite3.h header could not be found. I had to run the following commands first

  # Update all packages on the system
  sudo zypper update
  # Then the chrome browser would not work saying
  [declan@declan-desktop grr]$ chromium-browser

  /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser: error while loading
  shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No 
  such file or directory

  # To fix this, I had to update chromium-browser separately
  sudo zypper update chromium

Ok, so onto the actual install steps for Rails and SQLite3…


  #Install ruby and sqlite development headers (as we'll be using
  sqlite as our backend)
  sudo zypper install ruby-devel
  sudo zypper install sqlite-devel
  # Install tools for building C-based gems
  sudo zypper install make # Not 100% sure that make is needed
  sudo zypper install gcc
  # Install sqlite3 gem for ruby
  sudo zypper install sqlite3-ruby
  # Install Rails
  sudo gem install rails -v 2.3.2
  # Create a new Rails application
  rails grr
  # Create a thing (ok, more correctly called a resource) in Rails
  cd grr
  ./script/generate Animal name:string
  # Create the database
  rake db:migrate
  # Fire up the Rails web server
  # And then browse to your site in the web browser - http://localhost:3000/animals

Hurrah! Everything works! (At least I hope it did!). Happy Rails development!