MeeGo is great. What could make it even better? More Ruby :-) So what better way to achieve this than by getting the Ruby bindings for Qt up and running on MeeGo. So here’s a Work In Progress guide…


Get the MeeGo SDK running on your machine under Xephyr I’ll assume that you can successfully run the meego-sdk-chroot command and are now at a MeeGo console. Here’s what we need to do to build QtRuby…

The Guide

Install cmake:

zypper in cmake

Pull down the kdebindings source code from svn:

svn checkout -N svn://
cd trunk
svn up -N KDE
cd KDE
svn up kdelibs kdebindings

The above should be all you need to do but if you have problems then maybe try reading

Copy the kdebindings/qtruby directory to your meego home directory in the <meego_sdk_directory>, the latter will be something like /home/yourusername/meego-sdk-0524/home/meego/ depending on where you installed the MeeGo SDK earlier.

Copy the file kdebindings/CMakeLists.txt.qtruby to /home/meego/qtruby/CMakeLists.txt (yes, this will overwrite the old file. This is ok, we don’t want to build all of kdebindings, just qtruby)

cd <meego_sdk_directory>/home/meego/qtruby

Edit the new CMakeLists.txt, underneath the line include (MacroOptionalFindPackage) add the lines:

include (MacroOptionalAddBindings)
include (MacroLogFeature)
include (CheckCXXSourceCompiles)

Also, just before the line add_subdirectory(smoke) add the line:


Finally, if you want to be able to build an RPM (or any other package type supported by the CPack tool), add the following line as the very last line in the CMakeLists.txt file:


Ok now we need to create a cmake/modules directory

mkdir -p qtruby/cmake/modules
cd qtruby

As the CMakeLists.txt file says in the commented section, we need to copy some files we need from the KDE related directories (this is because we are building QtRuby standalone instead of as part of the all-encompasing kdebindings module). Note, you need to change the location of kdelibs in the next command to wherever you pulled down the subversion directory

cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/FindQt4.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/FindRUBY.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/MacroOptionalFindPackage.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/MacroPushRequiredVars.cmake ./cmake/modules/

Additionally you will need to copy the following files

cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/Qt4Macros.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/Qt4ConfigDependentSettings.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/HandleImportedTargetsInCMakeRequiredLibraries.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/MacroLogFeature.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp kdelibs/cmake/modules/CheckCXXSourceCompiles.cmake ./cmake/modules/

And also copy these from kdebindings

cp kdebindings/cmake/modules/MacroOptionalAddBindings.cmake ./cmake/modules/
cp -r kdebindings/ruby .
cp -r kdebindings/smoke .
cp -r kdebindings/generator .

Now we are going to create a qtruby_build directory so that we can do an out-of-source build of qtruby. If you don’t know what an out-of-source build is, don’t worry!

cd ..
mkdir qtruby_build
cd qtruby_build

Create a file called cmake_qtruby. Copy and paste the long commented cmake command in CMakeLists.txt to this file (you can exclude the make and make install commands)

At the end of the last line of this command add a backslash (so that you can continue the command on the next line) and then add the line:


Then change the cmake command options


At the end of this step the file should look something like

cmake                                                         \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local                           \
  -DRUBY_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/ruby                             \
  -DRUBY_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-linux/           \
  -Wno-dev                                                    \
  -DENABLE_SMOKE=on                                           \
  -DENABLE_QTRUBY=on                                          \
  -DENABLE_QTWEBKIT_SMOKE=off                                 \
  -DENABLE_QTSCRIPT_SMOKE=off                                 \
  -DENABLE_QTUITOOLS_SMOKE=off                                \
  -DENABLE_QTTEST_SMOKE=off                                   \
  -DENABLE_PHONON_SMOKE=off                                   \
  -DENABLE_QSCI_SMOKE=off                                     \
  -DENABLE_QWT_SMOKE=off                                      \
  -DENABLE_KDE_SMOKE=off                                      \
  -DENABLE_KDEVPLATFORM_SMOKE=off                             \
  -DENABLE_KHTML_SMOKE=off                                    \
  -DENABLE_KTEXTEDITOR_SMOKE=off                              \
  -DENABLE_SOLID_SMOKE=off                                    \
  -DENABLE_PLASMA_SMOKE=off                                   \
  -DENABLE_QTWEBKIT_RUBY=off                                  \
  -DENABLE_QTUITOOLS_RUBY=off                                 \
  -DENABLE_QTSCRIPT=off                                       \
  -DENABLE_QTTEST=off                                         \
  -DENABLE_PHONON_RUBY=off                                    \
  -DENABLE_QSCINTILLA_RUBY=off                                \
  -DENABLE_QWT_RUBY=off                                       \
  -DENABLE_SOPRANO_RUBY=off                                   \
  -DENABLE_KDEVPLATFORM_RUBY=off                              \
  -DENABLE_KORUNDUM_RUBY=off                                  \
  -DENABLE_KHTML_RUBY=off                                     \
  -DENABLE_KTEXTEDITOR_RUBY=off                               \
  -DENABLE_SOLID_RUBY=off                                     \
  -DENABLE_KROSSRUBY=off                                      \
  -DENABLE_PLASMA_RUBY=off                                    \
  -DENABLE_QIMAGEBLITZ_SMOKE=off                              \

Make this command executable and run it

chmod u+x cmake_qtruby

This should go off prepare your qtruby_build directory for compiling. Once it is finished, you should be able to install by any one of the following methods

RPM-based Install

You will need to have added the include(CPack) to the CMakeLists.txt file as outlined earlier before running cmake. You also now need to install the following:

zypper install rpm-build
zypper install meego-rpm-config # Maybe you dont need this but I installed it anyway

Now all you need to do is run make package and then cpack -G RPM to build the RPM. You will find that the generated RPM install is called kdebindings-0.1.1-Linux.rpm. That’s because we were originally pulled all our qtruby code out of the kdebindings codebase - you can customize the package name, version and much much more by passing parameters to the cpack command when generating the rpm. You can check what values were used to build the package by viewing the CPackSourceConfig.cmake file. As I was just building this rpm for personal use, I didn’t bother changing any package details. Tut! Tut! Anyway, once you have an rpm you are happy with, simply install the QtRuby bindings on your system via:

rpm -i <your_generated_rpm_name>

Note: If you want to see the RPM spec file generated, have a look at _CPack_Packages/Linux/RPM/SPECS/kdebindings.spec

Deb-based Install (and other package types)

This is pretty much identical to the RPM-based Install. The difference is to use cpack -G DEB instead of cpack -G RPM

Source-based Install

All need to do make and make install to get the QtRuby bindings installed onto your system. Not quite as easy to undo as an package based installation though!

Testing that everything works

I only tested the RPM package installation method. I found that when running the rbqtapi command I got the following error

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i386-linux/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i386-linux/ (LoadError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/Qt4.rb:5
from /usr/local/bin/rbqtapi:6:in `require'
from /usr/local/bin/rbqtapi:6

This was because some of the qtruby libraries installed into /usr/local/lib which my MeeGo system does not check for libraries by default. I changed this by adding the file /etc/ which simply contained the line:


And then running the ldconfig command. Then the rbqtapi command worked happily!

This guide still needs some polish. We’ll get to that eventually, but hopefully it may be of some use in getting the Ruby and Qt playing real nice together on MeeGo!